Monday, March 17, 2008

Bloody contracts.....

We pushed the colour selection through quickly, as everything was coming together really well and the building contract looked like it was getting pretty close......

Back in December, whilst reading through our Contract, I noticed the part about "Planning Permits" and noted that it was the "Owner's" responsibility. I queried this with our builder who told me that we didn't need to worry about a Planning Permit, because they were only necessary if you were building units or something out of the ordinary etc.

Back in February, we received in the mail, a Notice of Planning Permit for the house that is being built ACROSS from ours. Alarm bells rang. I again rang the Builder, but they still stood by their first comment. Big lesson No. 1. Do your own homework. A simple call to our local Council would have told us everything we needed to know.

What we needed to know was this: Because we are building in Wandin, this is classed as "Rural"; we fall just outside the "metropolitan ring" by about 5 kms. This requires us to have a Planning Permit. So what looked like a TWO week wait on the Building Contract has turned into a TWELVE week wait to get the Planning Permit through Council. Not happy one little bit. It buggers up a whole lot of things which I will reveal more about in the next week..... !

We learnt a lot through our first building experience, but unfortunately, we didn't need a Planning Permit for that one, so another learning experience!!! I thought this house building caper was meant to get easier the more you did it!!!!!!

I will update as things come to hand. Meanwhile, I will sit here and twiddle my bloody thumbs just a little bit more for something different! Papers have been with Council for two weeks, so only TEN (or so) to go!!!!!!


1 comment:

Gav and Ness said...

Well that is a pain in your proverbial, Peta should have known that. Surely?

I don't think anything is easier just because you have done it before, however you do always learn from previous experiences. Now you guys and Peta now knows that out side the metro area you will require a building permit. Now we also know, which would have been handy if we were building outside the metro area. Thankfully we aren't though, but knowing you will have helped others now by pointing this out should give you a little happiness.
But I know how you feel and would like very much to bang Pea's head against something solid..... :-)

Sounds like we will almost be on track about the same time.